Download SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces Examination PET / PST Exam Some Information
Download SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces Examination PET / PST Exam 2024 Admit Card Link Available .Allow to download their admit those candidates are apply to exam go to download link and download their admit card as soon as possible. Go to the official website and remind to carry your admit to exam center, to get more govt. related vacancy information follow
SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Application Date And Application Fee | |
Application Dates | SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Application info……. |
PET / PST Exam Date : 14-24 October 2024 Status / Admit Card Available : 07/10/2024 | EXAM REQUIREMENTS PAGE Sl No 26: Give your preference of Examination Centres. You may choose Examination Centres within the same Region. Choice for all the three Centres must be given in the order of preference (Please refer para No. 11.1 of the Notice). Sl No. 27: Do you belong to caste not included in Central List of OBCs but notified as OBC by the Government of NCT of Delhi and wish to be treated as OBC for SI in Delhi Police and UR for other Posts (such candidate will be considered as OBC for SI in Delhi Police and UR for other posts) (Please refer para No. 6.1 of the Notice). S. No.28: Do you belong to castes not included in Central List of OBCs but notified as OBC by the Government of NCT of Delhi and wish to be treated as OBC for SI in Delhi Police and EWS for other Posts (EWS certificate would also require to be produced when asked for.) (such candidate will be considered as OBC for SI in Delhi Police and EWS for other posts) (Please refer para No. 6.1 of the Notice). S. No. 29: Select ‘Yes’, if you are an NCC Certificate Holder as on 01.08.2024 and provide the details of NCC Certificate (Please refer para No. 12.5 of the Notice). |
How to Download your SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Admit card step by step |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector official website. |
Login to Your Account:- Click on the “Candidate Login” option. Enter your User ID and Password to log in. |
Find the Admit Section: After logging in, navigate to the Admit or section. |
Download the Admit:- Click on the “Download Admit option. Your Admit will be displayed on the screen. |
Save and Print:- Download the result PDF and save it to your device. Print a copy for future reference if needed. |
You have faced any problem to download admit please check your internet connection while accessing your Admit. |
SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Important Links | ||||||||||
Download Admit card | SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Uttar Pradesh & Bihar (Available soon) ; Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand (Available soon) ; Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh ; West Bengal, Orrisa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim ; Haryana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh ; Karnataka, Kerla ; Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram ; Andhra Pradesh, Punduchery , Tamilnadu ; Maharashtra, Gujrat, Goa | |||||||||
Join | Click Here | |||||||||
Official Website | Official Website |
SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Some Important NOTE | |
SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Mode of Selection: | SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector Admission to the Examination: |
16.1 All candidates who register themselves in response to this notice of examination by the closing date and time and whose applications are found to be in order and are provisionally accepted by the Commission as per the terms and conditions of the Notice of Examination, will be assigned Roll numbers and issued Admission Certificate (AC) for appearing in the Computer Based Examination (Paper-I). 21 | P a g e 16.2 Minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I and Paper-II (without adding bonus marks applicable to NCC certificate holders) are as follows: 16.2.1 UR: 30% 16.2.2 OBC/EWS: 25% 16.2.3 All other categories: 20% 16.3 On the basis of their performance in Paper-I (including bonus marks in case of NCC certificate), candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in PST/PET Examination. The Commission shall have the discretion to fix different cutoff marks in each part of Paper-I taking into consideration among others, category-wise vacancies and category-wise number of candidates. 16.4 PST/PET are mandatory but qualifying in nature. Ex-Servicemen are not required to undergo PET. 16.5 Only those candidates who qualify in PST/PET will be allowed to appear in Paper-II Examination. 16.6 On the basis of their performance in Paper-I and Paper-II (including bonus marks in case of NCC certificate), candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in Medical Examination. 16.7 Final selection and allocation of Post/Force will be made on the basis of the performance of candidates in Paper-I and Paper-II (including bonus marks in case of NCC certificate) and the preference of Posts/Forces exercised by them. 16.8 Once the candidate has been allotted his/her first available preference, as per his/her merit, he/she will not be considered for any other option. Candidates are, therefore, advised to exercise preference of Posts/Force very carefully SSC CPO SI Sub-Inspector | 13.1 All candidates who register themselves in response to this advertisement by the closing date and time and whose applications are found to be in order and are provisionally accepted by the Commission as per the terms and conditions of the Notice of Examination, will be assigned Roll numbers and issued Admission Certificates (AC) for appearing in the Computer Based Examination (Paper-I). Subsequently, qualified candidates will be issued Admission Certificates for the next stages of the Examinations. 13.2 The Commission will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and, therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates must go through the requirements of educational qualification, experience, age, etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). The 17 | P a g e certificates/documents in support of their Educational Qualifications, Caste/Category, etc. shall be sought at the time of Document Verification by the Indenting/User Departments/Organizations. Candidates may also note that they would be required to submit their certificates/documents of EQs/caste/category, etc. as and when such certificates are sought by the authority(ies). After scrutiny of the certificates/documents of EQs etc., if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated by certificates/documents, the candidature of such candidate will be cancelled. 13.3 Admission Certificates for the Examination will be issued online by uploading on the website of the concerned Regional Office of the Commission. Admission Certificate will not be issued by post for any stage of examination. Therefore candidates are advised to regularly visit the website of SSC-HQ ( and concerned Regional Offices of the Commission under whose jurisdiction the examination centres opted by the candidate are located (details at para 11.1). 13.4 Information about the Examination indicating the time table and City/Centre of examination for the candidates will be uploaded on the websites of the concerned Regional Office of the Commission about two weeks before the date of examination. If any candidate does not find his/her details on the website one week before the date of examination, he/she must immediately contact the concerned Regional Office of the Commission with proof of having submitted his/her application. Failure to do so will deprive him/ her of any claim for consideration. 13.5 Candidate must write Registration Number, Roll Number, registered EmailID and Mobile Number along with name, date of birth and name of the examination, while addressing any communication to the Commission. Communication from |