AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Online application is invited from all eligible Indian national candidates for Recruitment to regular
Non-Faculty Group-B & C posts on the behalf of participating AIIMS and Central Government
Institutes/bodies as per detail provided in this advertisement.
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Application Details And Fee | ||
Essential Dates | Application Fee | Important Note |
Application form apply date :- 07/01/2025 | UR. OBC :- 3000/- SC, ST, EWS :- 2400/- | AIIMS, New Delhi is only examination conducting body and seats are allocated based on merit and choice of provisionally qualified candidate against vacancy reported by respective Institute. AIIMS New Delhi is not responsible for any issues on recruitment rules, relaxation, delay in joining, rejection on grounds on eligibility, document verification, extension of time, withdrawal of seats etc. |
Last Date :- 31/01/2025 | ||
Exam :- 26-28 Feb 2025 | AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C online net banking/credit card/debit card/UPI only. Fee submitted by any other mode will not be accepted. | |
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Vacancy Details with Name Wise And Total Post | ||
Sl. No. | Post Name | Total Post |
1 | Assistant Dietician/Dietician/Demonstrator (Dietetics & Nutrition) | 24 |
2 | Assistant (NS)/Assistant Administrative Officer/Executive Assistant (NS)/Junior Administrative Officer/Office Assistant (NS) | 89 |
3 | Data Entry Operator Grade A/Junior Administrative Assistant/Lower Division Clerk/Senior Administrative Assistant/UDC/Upper Division Clerk | 182 |
4 | Assistant Engineer (Civil)/Jr. Engineer (Civil) | 22 |
5 | Assistant Engineer (Electrical)/Jr. Engineer (Electrical) | 19 |
6 | Assistant Engineer (A/C&R)/Jr. Engineer (A/C&R) | 18 |
7 | Audiometer Technician/Speech Therapist/Junior Audiologist/Technical Assistant (ENT) | 14 |
8 | Electrician/Lineman (Electrical)/Wireman | 25 |
9 | Manifold Technicians (Gas Steward)/Manifold Room Attendants/Gas Mechanic/Pump Mechanic | 10 |
10 | Draftsman Grade III | 01 |
11 | Assistant Laundry Supervisor/Laundry Supervisor | 06 |
12 | Store Keeper (Drugs) | 04 |
13 | Store Keeper (General) | 08 |
14 | Pharmacist (HOMOEOPATHY) | 12 |
15 | Cashier/Junior Accounts Officer/Junior Accounts Officer Accountant | 30 |
16 | Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionist)/Receptionist | 03 |
17 | Junior Medical Record Officer/Medical Record Officer | 09 |
18 | CSSD Assistant Grade-I/CSSD Supervisor/CSSD Technician/Senior CSSD Technician | 09 |
19 | Junior Medical Lab Technologist/Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT)/Lab Attendant/Lab Attendant Gr. II/Lab Technician/Laboratory Assistant/Medical Laboratory | 633 |
20 | Dark Room Assistant/Dresser/Hospital Attendant/Mortuary Attendant/Junior Warden/Multi Tasking Staff/Mortuary Attendant/Post Mortem Attendant/Office Attendant Grade II | 649 |
21 | Dissection Hall Attendant | 14 |
22 | ECG Technician | 126 |
23 | Library Attendant Gr. II | 06 |
24 | Lab Tech. EEG | 04 |
25 | Telephone Operator/Technician (Telephone) Grade IV | 04 |
26 | Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration) | 15 |
27 | Respiratory Laboratory Assistant | 02 |
28 | Technical Assistant/Technician (Anaesthesia/Operation Theatre)/Technologist (OT)/Technicians (Laboratory) (OT) | 253 |
29 | Junior Radiographer/Dark Room Assistant Grade II/Technician (Radiology)/Radiographic Technician Grade-I/Radiographer | 391 |
30 | Dental Hygienist/Technical Officer/Dental Mechanic/Dental Technician (Mechanic)/Dental Technician (Hygienist)/Technical Officer (Dental) | 69 |
31 | Radiotheraphic Technician/Technician (Radiotherapy) | 24 |
32 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | 09 |
33 | Ophthalmic Technician Grade I/Optometrist/Optometrist/Refractionist/Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist) | 29 |
34 | Jr. Perfusionist/Perfusionist | 12 |
35 | Technician Prosthetics & Orthotics (Technical Officer)/Technical Officer (R&AL)/Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) | 12 |
36 | Bariatric Coordinator | 01 |
37 | Pharmacist (Ayurvedic) | 27 |
38 | Embryologist | 02 |
39 | Assistant Security Officer | 09 |
40 | Fire Technician/Security Cum Fire Assistant | 19 |
41 | Community-Based Rehabilitation Worker/Social Worker | 10 |
42 | Junior Hindi Translator/Senior Hindi Officer | 11 |
43 | Demonstrator (Physiotherapy)/Jr. Physiotherapist/Multi Rehabilitation Worker (Physiotherapist)/Physiotherapist | 46 |
44 | Occupational Therapist | 06 |
45 | Librarian Grade III/Library & Information Assistant | 15 |
46 | Driver/Driver (Ordinary Grade) | 12 |
47 | Donor Organizer/Health Educator (Social Psychologist)/Medical Social Service Officer Gr. II/Medical Social Worker/Medico Social Service Officer Grade I | 77 |
48 | Artist/Modellar (Artist) | 09 |
49 | Yoga Instructor | 05 |
50 | Programmer | 15 |
51 | Warden (Female)/Assistant Warden/Hostel Warden (Male)/Junior Warden (House Keepers)/Junior Warden | 36 |
52 | Junior Scale Steno (Hindi)/Personal Assistant/Private Secretary/Stenographer | 193 |
53 | Dispensing Attendants/Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner/Pharmacist/Pharmacist Grade II | 169 |
54 | AIDS Educator-cum-Counsellor/ANM (Female)/Multipurpose Worker/Public Health Nurse/Nursing Officer/Senior Nursing Officer/Staff Nurse Grade-I | 813 |
55 | Caretaker/Sanitary Inspector | 41 |
56 | Tailor Grade III | 01 |
57 | Plumber | 09 |
58 | Deputy General Manager (Cafeteria) | 01 |
59 | Painter | 01 |
60 | Statistical Assistant | 03 |
61 | Workshop Assistant (CWS) | 04 |
62 | Assistant Store Officer/Junior Store Officer/Store Keeper/Store Keeper cum Clerk | 82 |
63 | Mechanic Operator cum Compositor | 01 |
64 | Coding Clerk/Medial Record Technician/Medical Record Assistant | 234 |
65 | Bio-Medical Engineer | 01 |
66 | Quality Control Manager | 01 |
67 | Total Vacancy | 4591 |
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Age Relaxation category wise | ||
Sl.No. | Category | AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Age Relaxation Permissible Beyond the Upper Age Limit |
1 | SC/ST | 5 years |
2 | OBC | 3 years |
3 | PWBD | 10 years |
4 | Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers including ECO/SSCOs (for Group B & C posts) | Length of military service plus 3 years (See Annexure-IV for details) |
5 | Central Govt. Civilian Employees – for Group B posts* | |
5.1 | Central Govt. Civilian Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service | 5 years |
6 | Central Govt. Civilian Employees – for Group C posts* | |
6.1 | Central Govt. Civilian Employees (General/Unreserved) with not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service | Up to 40 years of age |
6.2 | Central Govt. Civilian Employees (OBC) with not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service | Up to 43 years of age |
6.3 | Central Govt. Civilian Employees (SC/ST) with not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service | Up to 45 years of age |
7 | Candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir (Unreserved/General) | 5 years |
8 | Candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir (OBC) | 8 years |
9 | Candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir (SC/ST) | 10 years |
10 | Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and not remarried (Unreserved/General) | Up to 35 years of age |
11 | Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and not remarried (OBC) | Up to 38 years of age |
12 | Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and not remarried (SC/ST) | Up to 40 years of age |
13 | Defence Personnel disabled during hostilities (Unreserved/General) | 5 years |
14 | Defence Personnel disabled during hostilities (OBC) | 8 years (5+3) |
15 | Defence Personnel disabled during hostilities (SC/ST) | 10 years (5+5) |
16 | Service Clerks in the last year of their color service in Armed Forces (Unreserved/General) | Up to 45 years of age |
17 | Service Clerks in the last year of their color service in Armed Forces (OBC) | Up to 48 years of age |
18 | Service Clerks in the last year of their color service in Armed Forces (SC/ST) | Up to 50 years of age |
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C How to fill up online step by step |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the official website. |
Go to Official website /Registration:- Click on the “New Registration” link. Provide your email ID, mobile number, and basic details to register. Once Registration Complete, You Registration Number & Password will Sent on you mobile no. And Email Id. |
Filling the Application Form:- Fill your personal details, educational qualifications, and other required information. Double-check all entries for accuracy. |
Documents Upload:- Upload scanned copies of your recent passport size photograph and signature. Double Check the files meet the Given size and format requirements. |
Pay Application Fee:- Proceed to pay the application fee through debit card, credit card, or net banking. Download and save the fee receipt after payment Successful. |
Submit the Application:- Review the form for any errors before final submission in SBI PO Probationary Officers Recruitment 2024-25 Once satisfied, click on the “Submit” button. |
Print the Application:- After submission, take a printout of the completed application form for future reference. |
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Might you know all document are correct. |
AIIMS Invite for Common Recruitment Exam CRE Group B & Group C Important Links | |||||||
Apply Online | Click Here | ||||||
Download Full Notification | Click Here | ||||||
Join | Click Here | ||||||
Official Website | Click Here |

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