CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent invited online for direct recruitment to the following posts through an All-India Competitive Examination.
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent Application Details And Fee | ||
Essential Dates | Application Fee | Important Note |
Application form apply date :- 02/01/2025 | UR. OBC, EWS :- 800/- SC, ST :- 00/- Female Category :- 00/- | Note: The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for MCQ/Written/Descriptive Examination/Skill Test, as the case may be. |
Last Date :- 31/01/2025 | ||
Exam :- Notified Soon | CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent will accept fee through online net banking/credit card/debit card/UPI only. Fee submitted by any other mode will not be accepted. | |
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent Vacancy Details Category , Group And Pay Level Wise | |||||||||||||
Post Code | Group | Details of Posts | Pay Level | Max. Age | SC | ST | OBC-NCL | EWS | UR | Total | PwBD | ESM | Place of Posting |
10/24 | B | Superintendent | Level-6 | 30 | 21 | 10 | 38 | 14 | 59 | 142 | 06 | – | Any of the Board’s Office |
11/24 | C | Junior Assistant | Level-2 | 27 | 09 | 09 | 34 | 13 | 05 | 70 | 02 | 07 | Any of the Board’s Office |
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent Vacancy Exam As per City And State | ||
City Code | City | State |
101 | Vijayawada | Andhra Pradesh |
102 | Guwahati | Assam |
103 | Patna | Bihar |
104 | Chandigarh / Panchkula | Chandigarh |
105 | Delhi / Noida | Delhi |
106 | Bengaluru | Karnataka |
107 | Thiruvananthapuram | Kerala |
108 | Bhopal | Madhya Pradesh |
109 | Pune | Maharashtra |
110 | Bhubaneswar | Odisha |
111 | Ajmer | Rajasthan |
112 | Chennai | Tamil Nadu |
113 | Prayagraj (Allahabad) | Uttar Pradesh |
114 | Dehradun | Uttarakhand |
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent Category Wise Age Limits | |||
S. No. | Category of Persons | Age-Relaxation Permissible Beyond Upper Age Limit | Additional Notes |
1 | SC/ST | 5 Years | |
2 | OBC (NCL) Centre List | 3 Years | |
3 | PwBD (Unreserved), including women | 10 Years | |
4 | PwBD [OBC (NCL) Centre List], including women | 13 Years | |
5 | PwBD (SC/ST), including women | 15 Years | |
6 | Ex-Servicemen (ESM) | For Group B and C posts: Deduct the period of actual military service from the actual age. If the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit for the post by more than 3 years, the condition is satisfied. | Age relaxation is not applicable to sons, daughters, and dependents of ex-servicemen. |
7 | Women | 10 Years | |
8 | Departmental Candidates | No Bar | No age limit for departmental candidates. |
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent How to fill up online step by step |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the official website. |
Go to Official website /Registration:- Click on the “New Registration” link. Provide your email ID, mobile number, and basic details to register. Once Registration Complete, You Registration Number & Password will Sent on you mobile no. And Email Id. |
Filling the Application Form:- Fill your personal details, educational qualifications, and other required information. Double-check all entries for accuracy. |
Documents Upload:- Upload scanned copies of your recent passport size photograph and signature. Double Check the files meet the Given size and format requirements. |
Pay Application Fee:- Proceed to pay the application fee through debit card, credit card, or net banking. Download and save the fee receipt after payment Successful. |
Submit the Application:- Review the form for any errors before final submission in SBI PO Probationary Officers Recruitment 2024-25 Once satisfied, click on the “Submit” button. |
Print the Application:- After submission, take a printout of the completed application form for future reference. |
Might you know all document are correct. |
CBSE Junior Assistant And Superintendent Important Links | |||||||
Apply Online | Click Here | ||||||
Download Full Notification | Click Here | ||||||
Join | Click Here | ||||||
Official Website | Click Here |

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