Summarized Information :-
State Bank of India SBI SCO invites online applications from eligible Indian citizens for appointment to the Specialist Cadre Officers Posts on Regular
Basis. Candidates are requested to apply online through the link given on Bank’s official website
The candidates, who intend to apply for the Post are advised to apply only after carefully reading and understanding the undernoted contents
of this notification.
State Bank of India SBI SCO Application Details WWW.JOBNEED.IN | ||
Essential Dates | Application Fee | REQUIRED DOCUMENTS |
Application form apply date :- 23/11/2024 | General / OBC/ EWS: 750/- | Recent Photograph ii. Signature iii. Brief Resume (PDF) iv. ID Proof (PDF) v. Proof of Date of Birth (PDF) vi. Educational Certificates: Relevant Mark-Sheets/ Degree Certificate (PDF) vii. Experience certificates (PDF) viii. Caste Certificate / EWS Certificate (if applicable) (PDF) ix. PwBD Certificate (if applicable) (PDF) x. Form-16/Offer Letter/Latest Salary slip from current employer (PDF) |
Last Date for apply :- 12/12/2024 | SC / ST / PH : 00/- | |
Payment Last Date : 12/12/2024 | Pay the Exam Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking and Other Online Fee Mode Only. | |
Exam Date : Notified Soon | ||
Admit Card Available : Before Exam | ||
Result Available : Notified Soon |
State Bank of India SBI SCO Age Limits | |
Minimum Age : 21 Maximum Age : 30 Years for Civil / Electrical Maximum : 40 years for Fire Post | The age limit will be relaxed by State Bank of India SBI SCO |
State Bank of India SBI SCO Vacancy Details , Age, and Place of Posting | ||||||
Sl. No. | Name of Post | Grade | Vacancies | PwBD (Horizontal) | Age in Years (As on 01.10.2024) | Place of Posting |
SC | ST | OBC | EWS | |||
1 | Assistant Manager (Engineer- Civil) | JMGS-I | 6 | 3 | 11 | 3 |
2 | Assistant Manager (Engineer- Electrical) | JMGS-I | 3 | 1 | 6 | 2 |
3 | Assistant Manager (Engineer- Fire) | JMGS-I | 16 | 7 | 26 | 10 |
Backlog Vacancies | ||||||
1 | Assistant Manager (Engineer- Civil) | JMGS-I | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | Assistant Manager (Engineer- Electrical) | JMGS-I | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
State Bank of India SBI SCO Vacancy Basic Qualification , Work Experience And Skills | |||
Post Name | Basic Qualification (as on 01.10.2024) | Work Experience (Composite) (as on 01.10.2024)* | Specific Skills (as on 01.10.2024) |
Assistant Manager (Engineer- Civil) | Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institution with a minimum of 60% marks. | Minimum 2 years of experience in: – Construction/maintenance of multi-storey commercial, institutional, or residential buildings involving RCC framed construction. – Projects involving pile foundation, controlled concrete work, mix design, and testing of materials. – Project planning and control (preferably computer-based). – Design, testing, preparation of cost estimates, and checking contractors’ bills. | NIL |
Assistant Manager (Engineer- Electrical) | Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution with a minimum of 60% marks. | Minimum 2 years of experience in: – Installation, handling, and maintenance of electrical equipment such as UPS, generators, energy-saving devices, starters, motors, control panels, HT-LT switch gears, cabling, water pumps, air-conditioning equipment, and lifts. – Preparation of tender specifications and evaluation thereof. | NIL |
Assistant Manager (Engineer- Fire) | B.E. (Fire) from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur OR B.E./ B.Tech in Safety & Fire Engineering OR B.E./ B.Tech in Fire Technology & Safety Engineering OR Equivalent 4-year degree in Fire Safety from a UGC-recognized University/AICTE-approved institution OR Graduate of Institution of Fire Engineers (India/UK) or Divisional Officers course from NFSC, Nagpur. | For candidates with B.E. (Fire) or equivalent qualifications: – Minimum 2 years of experience in the field of Fire Safety from any reputed organization. For candidates with Graduate of Institution of Fire Engineers (India/UK) or Divisional Officers course from NFSC, Nagpur: – Minimum 3 years of experience as a Station Officer or equivalent post in a City/State Fire Brigade or as In-Charge Fire Officer in Corporates, Industrial Complexes, or State Govt Institutions/PSUs. | Good knowledge of: – Fire prevention and protection systems (Hydrant system, Fire detection system, Sprinkler system). – Evacuation protocols and Fire Audits. |
How to fill up online step by step State Bank of India SBI SCO |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the official website of State Bank of India SBI SCO . |
Go to Official website /Registration:- Click on the “New Registration” link. Provide your email ID, mobile number, and basic details to register. Once Registration Complete, You Registration Number & Password will Sent on you mobile no. And Email Id. |
Filling the Application Form:- Fill your personal details, educational qualifications, and other required information. Double-check all entries for accuracy. |
Documents Upload:- Upload scanned copies of your recent passport size photograph and signature. Double Check the files meet the Given size and format requirements. |
Pay Application Fee:- Proceed to pay the application fee through debit card, credit card, or net banking. Download and save the fee receipt after payment Successful. |
Submit the Application:- Review the form for any errors before final submission. Once satisfied, click on the “Submit” button. |
Print the Application:- After submission, take a printout of the completed application form for future reference. |
Might you know all document are correct. |
State Bank of India SBI SCO Important Links | |||||||
Apply Online | Click Here | ||||||
Download Full Notification | Click Here | ||||||
Join | Click Here | ||||||
Official Website | Click Here |

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आइए साथ मिलकर, एक सशक्त भविष्य की ओर बढ़ें!