Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade Apprentices Online Application Are Invite candidates Residing in districtis coming under South Central Railway Jurisdiction only & fulfilling the prescribed stipulated in this notification for engagement of 4232 imparting training under the Apprentice Act, 1961.
Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade Application Details And Fee | |||
Essential Dates | Application Fee | Important Documents | |
Application form apply date :- 28/12/2024 | UR. OBC, EWS :- 1000/- SC, ST :- 00/- Female Category :- 00/- | 1. SSC/10th Class or its equivalent marks sheet. 2 .Proof of Date of Birth. 3.Consolidated Marks Sheet of all semesters of the ITI trade in which applied/Provisional National Trade Certificate indicating marks 4. National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT or Provisional National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT/SCVT. 5.RDAT registration form mentioning registration number. 6. Community Certificate for SC/ST (as per Annexure-A) and for OBC (as per AnnexureB & C) wherever applicable should be uploaded. | 7. Disability Certificate in case of PwBD candidates (Disability Certificate in proper format for 40% or more disability) to be uploaded. However, Annexure-D/E whichever applicable, must be produced at the time of Document Verification (DV). 8. EWS Certificate as per Annexure –F, if applicable. 9. Medical certificate which should be signed by Government authorized doctor (Gaz.), not below the rank of Asst. Surgeon of Central/State Hospital as per Annexure-G 10. Discharge Certificate/Serving Certificate in case of candidates applied against Ex-Servicemen quota. |
Last Date :- 27/01/2025 | |||
Exam :- Notified Soon | SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade Apprentices will accept fee through online net banking/credit card/debit card/UPI only. Fee submitted by any other mode will not be accepted. | ||
Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade Trade And Category Wise Vacancy Details And Post | |||||||
Sl. No | Trade | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | TOTAL |
1 | AC Mechanic | 22 | 10 | 40 | 14 | 57 | 143 |
2 | Air Conditioning | 5 | 2 | 9 | 3 | 13 | 32 |
3 | Carpenter | 7 | 3 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 42 |
4 | Diesel Mechanic | 21 | 9 | 39 | 13 | 60 | 142 |
5 | Electronic Mechanic | 14 | 6 | 22 | 7 | 36 | 85 |
6 | Industrial Electronics | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 6 | 10 |
7 | Electrician | 158 | 79 | 286 | 107 | 423 | 1053 |
8 | Electrical (S&T) (Electrician) | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 10 |
9 | Power Maintenance (Electrician) | 5 | 3 | 9 | 3 | 14 | 34 |
10 | Train Lighting (Electrician) | 5 | 3 | 9 | 3 | 14 | 34 |
11 | Fitter | 263 | 133 | 469 | 175 | 702 | 1742 |
12 | Motor Mechanic Vehicle (MMV) | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 8 |
13 | Machinist | 14 | 8 | 26 | 11 | 41 | 100 |
14 | Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM) | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 10 |
15 | Painter | 10 | 6 | 21 | 7 | 30 | 74 |
16 | Welder | 106 | 53 | 190 | 73 | 291 | 713 |
Grand Total | 635 | 317 | 1143 | 423 | 1714 | 4232 |
Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade states and districts Wise Details | |
State | Eligible Districts |
Telangana | All districts |
Andhra Pradesh | All districts except Vishakapatnam, Manyam, Vijayanagaram, and Srikakulam |
Maharashtra | Chandrapur, Latur, Beed, Aurangabad, Washim, Jalna, Akola, Parbhani, Hingoli, Nanded, Amravati, Yavatmal |
Karnataka | Kalaburgi, Belgam, Gulbarga, Bidar, Balki, Raichur, Yadgir, Bellari |
Tamil Nadu | Vellore |
Madhya Pradesh | Burhanpur, Khandwa |
Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade Trade Wise Educational Qualifications | ||
S. No. | Trade | Educational Qualification |
1 | AC Mechanic | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Mechanic (R&AC) trade. |
2 | Air Conditioning (R&AC) | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Air Conditioning (R&AC) trade. |
3 | Carpenter | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Carpenter trade. |
4 | Diesel Mechanic | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Diesel Mechanic trade. |
5 | Electronic Mechanic | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Electronic Mechanic trade. |
6 | Industrial Electronics | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Industrial Electronics Mechanic trade. |
7 | Electrician | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Electrician trade. |
8 | Electrical (S&T) (Electrician) | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Electrician trade. |
9 | Power Maintenance (Electrician) | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Electrician trade. |
10 | Train Lighting (Electrician) | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Electrician trade. |
11 | Fitter | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Fitter trade. |
12 | Motor Mechanic Vehicle (MMV) | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Mechanic Motor Vehicle trade. |
13 | Machinist | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Machinist trade. |
14 | Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM) | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance trade. |
15 | Painter | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Painter trade. |
16 | Welder | 10th/SSC with 50% (aggregate) marks plus ITI in Welder trade. |
Age Shall be :- 15 to 24 Years | The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on the cut-off date for receiving online applications |
Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST applicants and 03 years in case of OBC-NCL applicants. |
Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade How to fill up online step by step |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the official website of |
Go to Official website /Registration:- Click on the “New Registration” link. Provide your email ID, mobile number, and basic details to register. Once Registration Complete, You Registration Number & Password will Sent on you mobile no. And Email Id. |
Filling the Application Form:- Fill your personal details, educational qualifications, and other required information. Double-check all entries for accuracy. |
Documents Upload:- Upload scanned copies of your recent passport size photograph and signature. Double Check the files meet the Given size and format requirements. |
Pay Application Fee:- Proceed to pay the application fee through debit card, credit card, or net banking. Download and save the fee receipt after payment Successful. |
Submit the Application:- Review the form for any errors before final submission in SBI PO Probationary Officers Recruitment 2024-25 Once satisfied, click on the “Submit” button. |
Print the Application:- After submission, take a printout of the completed application form for future reference. |
Might you know all document are correct. Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade |
Apply SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY RRC SCR Trade Important Links | |||||||
Apply Online | Click Here | ||||||
Download Full Notification | Click Here | ||||||
Join | Click Here | ||||||
Official Website | Click Here |

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