Summarized Information :-
Apply Online United India Insurance Company Limited UIIC Administrative Officer Scale I Recruitment For 200 Post 2024. Applications are invited from eligible Indian
Citizens for the post of Administrative Officer (Scale I) from open market.
UIIC Administrative Officer Recruitment For 200 Post WWW.JOBNEED.IN | ||
Essential Dates | Application Fee | REQUIRED DOCUMENTS |
Application form apply date :- 15/10/2024 | General / OBC / EWS :– 1000/- | Qualifications mentioned above should be obtained from any recognized University / Institute in India duly approved by UGC / AICTE as the case may be with appropriate pattern like 10+2+3 or its equivalent. Where CGPA / OGPA are awarded, the candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms. (ii) The candidates should have completed the qualification mentioned above on or before 30.09.2024. Those who have written the final examination for the minimum education qualification as on 30.09.2024 and whose results are declared after 30.09.2024 are not eligible to apply. |
Last Date for apply :- 05/11/2024 | SC / ST / pH : 250/- | |
Payment Last Date : 05/11/2024 | Pay the Exam Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking and Other Online Fee Mode Only. | |
Exam Date : Date Not Confirmed | ||
Admit Card Available : Date Not Confirmed | ||
Result Available : Date Not Confirmed |
UIIC Administrative Officer
Recruitment For 200 Post
UIIC Administrative Officer Recruitment For 200 Post WWW.JOBNEED.IN | ||
Sl. No | Category | Age Relaxation |
1 | Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe | 5 years |
2 | Other Backward Classes (if eligible for reservation) | 3 years |
3 | Persons with Benchmark Disability | 10 years |
4 | Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers including ECOs / SSCOs (with 5 years of military service and released otherwise than dismissal) | 5 years |
5 | Defence service personnel disabled during hostilities with a foreign country or in a disturbed area | 3 years |
6 | Widows, Divorced women, and women legally separated from their husbands, who have not remarried | 9 years |
7 | Existing Confirmed Employees of Public Sector General Insurance Companies (including GIC & Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.) | 8 years |
(i) Candidates eligible for relaxation under more than one category will receive cumulative relaxation, but the maximum age cannot exceed 45 years.
(ii) Candidates seeking age relaxation must submit necessary certificates for verification at the time of the interview or at any subsequent stage of the recruitment process.
(iii) Age relaxation for Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) will be the same as for Ex-Servicemen.
UIIC Administrative Officer Recruitment For 200 Post Education Wise Vacancy Details | ||
Sl. No | Discipline | Minimum Qualification |
1 | Risk Management | B.E./B.Tech. in any discipline with min 60% (55% for SC/ST) and Post Graduation/PGDM in Risk Management (or) M.E./M.Tech with PGDM in Risk Management |
2 | Finance and Investment | Chartered Accountant (ICAI) / Cost Accountant (ICWA) or B.Com with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) from a recognized University or M.Com |
3 | Automobile Engineers | B.E./B.Tech. in Automobile Engineering with min 60% (55% for SC/ST) or M.E./ M.Tech in Automobile Engineering from a recognized University |
4 | Chemical/Mechatronics Engineers | B.E./B.Tech. in Mechatronics/Chemical Engg with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) or M.E./M.Tech in Mechatronics/Chemical Engg from a recognized University |
5 | Data Analytical Specialists | B.E./B.Tech in Computer Science/IT, or Graduate in Statistics/Data Science/Actuarial Science with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) or MCA/PG in relevant field |
6 | Legal | Bachelor’s Degree in Law with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) or Master’s Degree in Law from a recognized University (Experience preferred) |
7 | Generalists | Graduate/Post Graduate in any discipline with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) from a recognized university |
You can fill in the additional column as needed for each discipline.
UIIC Administrative Officer Recruitment For 200 Post Category Wise Vacancy Datils | ||
Sl. No. | Category | Vacancies |
1 | SC (Scheduled Caste) | 15 |
2 | ST (Scheduled Tribe) | 7 |
3 | OBC (Other Backward Classes) | 27 |
4 | EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) | 10 |
5 | UR (Unreserved Category) | 41 |
Total | 100 | |
6 | PwBD (Cross Reservation) | |
VI (Visually Impaired) | 0 | |
HH (Hearing Impaired) | 1 | |
OC (Orthopedically Challenged) | 0 | |
ID (Intellectual Disability) | 1 |
UIIC Administrative Officer Recruitment For 200 Post Category Wise Vacancy Datils | ||
Sl. No. | Category | Vacancies |
1 | SC (Scheduled Caste) | 15 |
2 | ST (Scheduled Tribe) | 8 |
3 | OBC (Other Backward Classes) | 27 |
4 | EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) | 10 |
5 | UR (Unreserved Category) | 40 |
Total | 100 | |
6 | PwBD (Cross Reservation) | |
VI (Visually Impaired) | 1 | |
HH (Hearing Impaired) | 0 | |
OC (Orthopedically Challenged) | 1 |
UIIC Administrative Officer
How to fill up online step by step UIIC Administrative Officer 2024 |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the official website of UIIC Administrative Officer |
Registration:- Click on the “New Registration” link. Provide your email ID, mobile number, and basic details to register. Once Registration Complete, You Registration Number & Password will Sent on you mobile no. And Email Id. |
Filling the Application Form:- Fill your personal details, educational qualifications, and other required information. Double-check all entries for accuracy. |
Documents Upload:- Upload scanned copies of your recent passport size photograph and signature. Double Check the files meet the Given size and format requirements. |
Pay Application Fee:- Proceed to pay the application fee through debit card, credit card, or net banking. Download and save the fee receipt after payment Successful. |
Submit the Application:- Review the form for any errors before final submission. Once satisfied, click on the “Submit” button. |
Print the Application:- After submission, take a printout of the completed application form for future reference. |
Might you know all document are correct. |
UIIC Administrative Officer Important Links | |||||||
Apply Online | Click Here | ||||||
Download Full Notification | Click Here | ||||||
Join | Click Here | ||||||
Official Website | Click Here |

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नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं: चाहे आप सरकारी सेक्टर में हों या नौकरी खोज रहें हों, हम आपको सभी रोजगार समाचार और नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं (Naukri Aur Sarkari Yojana ) पर प्रदान करते हैं।
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सरल और सुलभ भाषा: हम सभी योजनाओं और नौकरियों की जानकारी को आपके लिए सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत करते हैं ताकि आप आसानी से समझ सकें।
नवीनतम अपडेट्स: हमेशा आपको सबसे नवीनतम और महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी प्रदान करने के लिए अपनी वेबसाइट (Naukri Aur Sarkari Yojana ) को अपडेट करते रहते हैं।
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हमारी वेबसाइट Naukri Aur Sarkari Yojana ( सरकार द्वारा चलाई जाने वाली वेबसाइट नहीं है, ना ही किसी सरकारी मंत्रालय और ना कोई संगठन से इसका कुछ लेना देना है | हमारी पूरी कोशिश रहती की एकदम सटीक जानकारी अपने पाठकों तक पाहुचाई जाए लेकिन लाख कोशिशों के बावजूद भी गलती की सम्भावना को नकारा नहीं जा सकता| इस ब्लॉग के हर आर्टिकल में योजना और नौकरी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट की जानकारी दी जाती है| हमारा सुझाव है कि हमारा लेख पढ़ने के साथ-साथ आप आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से भी जरूर जानकारी लीजिये | अगर किसी लेख में कोई त्रुटि लगती है, तो आपसे आग्रह है कि हमें जरूर बताएं | के ओर से आपका धन्यवाद, कि आप हमारे साथ हैं!
आइए साथ मिलकर, एक सशक्त भविष्य की ओर बढ़ें!