IBPS RRB 13th Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, Pre Exam Result, Scale II and III Admit Card, Officer Scale I Mains Some Information
Download IBPS RRB 13th Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, Pre Exam Result, Scale II and III Admit Card, Officer Scale I Mains 2024 Admit Card Link Available .Allow to download their admit those candidates are apply to exam go to download link and download their admit card as soon as possible. Go to the official website and remind to carry your admit to exam center, to get more govt. related vacancy information follow jobneed.in
IBPS RRB Application Date And Application Fee Jobneed.in | |
Application Dates | Application info……. |
Officer Scale I Phase I Available : 13/09/2024 Officer Scale II Phase II Admit Card :19/09/2024 Office Assistant Result Available :27/09/2024 | Only those persons with benchmark disabilities would be eligible for reservation. “Benchmark disability” means a person with not less than 40% of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes the persons with disability, where disability has been defined in a measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority. A person who wants to avail benefit of reservation will have to submit a disability certificate issued by a Competent Authority as per Government of India guidelines. Such certificate will be subject to verification/ re-verification as may be decided by the competent authority, at any point during the process or thereafter. |
Office Assistant Result Available :27/09/2024 |
How to Download your IBPS RRB Admit card step by step |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the IBPS RRB official website. |
Login to Your Account:- Click on the “Candidate Login” option. Enter your User ID and Password to log in. |
Find the Admit Section: After logging in, navigate to the Admit or section. |
Download the Admit:- Click on the “Download Admit option. Your Admit will be displayed on the screen. |
Save and Print:- Download the result PDF and save it to your device. Print a copy for future reference if needed. |
You have faced any problem to download admit please check your internet connection while accessing your Admit. |
IBPS RRB Important Links | ||||||||||
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IBPS RRB DEFINITION OF EX-SERVICEMEN (ESM) (Applicable for the post of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) i. Ex-Servicemen (ESM): Only those candidates shall be treated as Ex-Servicemen who fulfil the revised definition as laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Notification No.36034/5/85/ Estt. (SCT) dated 27.10.1986 as amended from time to time. ii. Disabled Ex-Servicemen (DESM): Ex-serviceman who while serving in the Armed Forces of the Union was disabled in operations against the enemy or in disturbed areas. iii. Dependents of Servicemen killed in Action: Servicemen killed in the following operations would be deemed to have been killed in action attributable to Military Service (a) war (b) warlike operations or border skirmishes either with Pakistan on cease fire line or any other country (c) Fighting against armed hostiles in a counter insurgency environment viz. Nagaland, Mizoram, etc. (d) Serving with peace-keeping mission abroad (e) Laying or clearance of mines including enemy mines as also mine sweeping operation between one month before and three months after conclusion of an operation (f) Frost-bite during actual operations or during the period specified by the Government (g) Dealing with agitating ParaMilitary forces personnel (h) IPKF personnel killed during the operations in Sri Lanka. For the purpose of availing the concession of reservation for Dependents of Servicemen killed in action, the member of the family would include his widow, son and daughter or his near relations who agree to support his family and an affidavit stating that the relaxation is availed by one dependent of Ex-servicemen or not availed by any dependent of Servicemen killed in action will have to be submitted at the time of joining. The relaxation in upper age and educational qualifications available to Ex-servicemen will not be available to dependents of Servicemen killed in action. For get more information go official website IBPS RRB | IBPS RRB Guidelines (i) Candidates, who are released/retired from Armed Forces are required to submit a certificate as per Proforma ‘A’ attached to this notification if they do not possess discharge certificate/booklet. (ii) The candidates, who are still serving in Armed Forces and desirous of applying under Ex-Servicemen category will be required to submit a certificate (Proforma ‘B’) from the competent authority showing his/her date of completion of the specific period of engagement (SPE) along with declaration (Proforma ‘C’). Such candidates whose SPE is completed on or before 26.06.2025 only are eligible to apply under this recruitment. They will also be required to submit the release letter along with a selfdeclaration at the time of joining the Bank that he/she is entitled to the benefits admissible to Ex-Servicemen in terms of Govt. of India rules. (iii) Those candidates, who have already completed their initial period of engagement and are on extended assignment, are required to submit certificate as per Proforma ‘D’. If selected, such candidates mentioned in (ii) and (iii) above, should get released and join the Bank on or before 26.06.2025. These certificates are required to be submitted at the time of joining invariably. 2) The Territorial Army Personnel will be treated as Ex-Servicemen w.e.f. 15.11.1986. 3) An Ex-Serviceman who has once joined a Government job on the civil side after availing of the benefits given to him as an Ex-Serviceman for his reemployment, his Ex-Serviceman status will be governed in terms of OM No.36034/1/2014-Estt. (Res.) dated 14.08.2014 as amended from time to time as per Government of India Guidelines. |