IBPS PO MT (Porbationary Officer Management Trainee) Pre Admit 2024 Some Info….
Download IBPS PO MT (Porbationary Officer Management Trainee) Pre Admit 2024 Link Available .Allow to download their admit those candidates are apply to exam go to download link and download their admit card as soon as possible. Go to the official website and remind to carry your admit to exam center, to get more govt. related vacancy information follow jobneed.in
IBPS PO MT Application Date And Application Fee Jobneed.in | |
Application Dates | Application info……. |
Admit Card :- 19/10/2024 Pre Exam Date :- Oct. 2024 (Date Not Confirmed) Mains Exam Date :- Nov… 2024 (Date Not Confirmed) | Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Banks listed at (A) as a Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process (CRP- PO/MT-XIV) for vacancies of 2025-2026. The online examination will be two tier i.e. the online examination will be held in two phases, Online Preliminary and Online Main. Candidates who will qualify in Online Preliminary examination and shortlisted will have to appear for Online Main examination and shortlisted candidates in the Online Main examination will subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be conducted by the Participating Banks and co-ordinated by the Nodal Bank. Depending on the actual vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2025-26 based on the business needs of the Participating Banks and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Banks keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, administrative convenience, etc. The validity for CRP- PO/MT-XIV will automatically expire at the close of business on 31.03.2026 with or without giving any notice. |
Result:- Jan… 2025 |
How to Download your IBPS PO MT Admit card step by step |
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the IBPS PO MT official website. |
Login to Your Account:- Click on the “Candidate Login” option. Enter your User ID and Password to log in. |
Find the Admit Section: After logging in, navigate to the Admit or section. |
Download the Admit:- Click on the “Download Admit option. Your Admit will be displayed on the screen. |
Save and Print:- Download the result PDF and save it to your device. Print a copy for future reference if needed. |
You have faced any problem to download admit please check your internet connection while accessing your Admit. |
IBPS PO MT Important Links | ||||||||||
Download Admit card | Pre Admit Card | |||||||||
Join jobneed.in | Click Here | |||||||||
Official Website | Official Website |

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सरल और सुलभ भाषा: हम सभी योजनाओं और नौकरियों की जानकारी को आपके लिए सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत करते हैं ताकि आप आसानी से समझ सकें।
नवीनतम अपडेट्स: हमेशा आपको सबसे नवीनतम और महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी प्रदान करने के लिए अपनी वेबसाइट jobneed.in (Naukri Aur Sarkari Yojana ) को अपडेट करते रहते हैं।
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हमें सोशल मीडिया पर फॉलो करें ताकि आप हमेशा जानकारी से अपडेट रहें और हमारी साझा की जाने वाली सफलताओं से प्रेरित हों।
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