CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment Summarized Information :-

CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE has been Invited to Apply Form of RECRUITMENT OF CONSTABLE/DRIVER-CUM-PUMP OPERATOR (DRIVER FOR FIRE SERVICES) IN CISF –2024 Apply For 1124 post. Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply online from 03.02.2025 to 04.03.2025 by visiting website No other mode of application will be accepted. Before Apply Candidates must to read all necessary Information like Syllabus, Age limits, Required Qualification. Salary etc. And Must read the Official Notifications.

CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024
Fire Services
Essential DatesApplication FeeImportant Documents
Application form apply date :- 03/02/2025General / OBC/ EWS/ : 100/-1. 10th Marksheet, Certificate
2.  Driving Licences (HMV)
3. Aadhar Card
4. Domicile Certificate
5. Caste Certificate
For Any Other Information Check Official Notification
Last Date for apply :- 04/03/2025SC / ST/ /PH/ Ex SM : 00/
Last date for Application fee payment:- 04.03.2025ONLINE fee payment only through internet banking, debit/credit cards or UPI etc. will be accepted. Fee can be paid by the candidates through ONLINE mode only. There will be no option to pay fee
through any other mode.
Exam Date:- As per notification
Admit Card /Result :- As per Notification
CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024( Fire Services)
Age Limit on 04.03.2025
Age between 21 to 27 years for Male
Reservation & Age Relaxation According to CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024 Fire Services Notification.

CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024( Fire Services)

CISF Constable/Driver Notification 2024: Vacancy Details
Total Posts: 1124
Post NameTotal Post
Constable/Driver Cum Pump Operator279
CISF Constable Driver Eligibility
Only for Male Candidates
Class 10th Matric Exam Passed from any recognized board in India.
Driving License: Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) OR Transport Vehicle / Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) / Motor Cycle with Gear
3 Years of Driving Experience in HMV/Transport Vehicle OR LMV/Motor Cycle with Gear
Height: 167 CMS
Chest: 80-85 CMS
800 Meter Run: 03 Min 15 Second
Long Jump: 11 Feet (3 Chances)
High Jump: 3 Feet 6 Inches (3 Chances)
More Details: Read the Notification.

CISF Constable Driver Exam 2025: State Wise Vacancy Details
Post NameUREWSOBCSCSTTotal PostESM 10% of Total Post
Constable/Driver Direct344842281266384585
Constable/Driver Cum Pump Operator1162775412027928

CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024( Fire Services)

How to fill up online step by step CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024( Fire Services)
Visit the Official Website:- Go to the official website
Go to Official website /Registration:- Click on the “New Registration” link.
Provide your email ID, mobile number, and basic details to register.
Once Registration Complete, You Registration Number & Password will Sent on you mobile no. And Email Id.
Filling the Application Form:- Fill your personal details, educational qualifications, and other required information.
Double-check all entries for accuracy.
Documents Upload:- Upload scanned copies of your recent passport size photograph and signature.
Double Check the files meet the Given size and format requirements.
Pay Application Fee:- Proceed to pay the application fee through debit card, credit card, or net banking.
Download and save the fee receipt after payment Successful.
Submit the Application:- Review the form for any errors before final submission inC ISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024( Fire Services)
Once satisfied, click on the “Submit” button.
Print the Application:- After submission, take a printout of the completed application form for future reference.
Might you know all document are correct. Of Submit Bihar Police Steno ASI
CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2024( Fire Services)
Important Links
Apply OnlineRegistration|Login
Download Full NotificationEnglish | Hindi
Join Jobneed.inClick Here
Official Website Click Here

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नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं: चाहे आप सरकारी सेक्टर में हों या नौकरी खोज रहें हों, हम आपको सभी रोजगार समाचार और नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं (Naukri Aur Sarkari Yojana ) पर प्रदान करते हैं।

हमारी विशेषताएं:

सरल और सुलभ भाषा: हम सभी योजनाओं और नौकरियों की जानकारी को आपके लिए सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत करते हैं ताकि आप आसानी से समझ सकें।

नवीनतम अपडेट्स: हमेशा आपको सबसे नवीनतम और महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी प्रदान करने के लिए अपनी वेबसाइट (Naukri Aur Sarkari Yojana ) को अपडेट करते रहते हैं।

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आइए साथ मिलकर, एक सशक्त भविष्य की ओर बढ़ें!

Sarkari Yojana Aur Naukri